Conditions Treated

we offer treatments for a wide range of medical & aesthetic concerns 

restoring confidence in the aesthetic

wellbeing in aesthetic medicine

Patients come to Berkshire Aesthetics for a myriad of reasons, a complex mix of physical ailments or emotional discomfort triggered by certain aspects of their appearance. Not everyone perceives ‘normal’ in the same way and our consultation process is designed to identify the factors which influence how a patient has come to seek treatment in the first place. For the uninitiated, a medical aesthetic clinic is often seen as being like a beauty salon but this is a simplistic take on an emerging field of medicine.

The line where medicine ends and beauty begins is blurry but what is not is how a patient feels about themselves. The image we present to the world is under increased scrutiny with social media, celebrity, fashion, magazines all promoting image ideals. And while aesthetics and the treatments we offer can be used for cosmetic purposes we are very careful to ensure that when offering treatment it is for the right reasons. 

Whether we are treating a skin disease such as acne, a disorder such as excessive sweating, or an injury such as a scar it is important that we consider the emotional wellbeing of the person presenting. At the end of the day, one person’s vanity is another’s whole world. Every patient who presents with a concern is assessed and treated as an individual and their needs are assessed and treated to ensure that their physical, as well as their emotional wellbeing, is protected. 

Conditions Treated


Acne is a common skin condition that affects people at some point in their life
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Dark Circles

Dark circles and puffiness are common in a lot of people and are usually a condition caused by lifestyle factors
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Lines & Wrinkles

Fine lines are shallow folds caused by lax, sagging, and dehydrated skin
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Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels on the surface of your skin
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Skin Laxity

Skin laxity is the result of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors causing the loss of collagen and elastin in our skin.
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Stubborn Fat

Areas of fat can be difficult to remove despite efforts made through diet and exercise
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Telangiectasias (Thread Veins)

Telangiectasias are broken or dilated blood vessels which appear as tiny thread-like veins just beneath the skin, usually around the nose
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Cellulite is a common skin condition which mainly affects women, it causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, abdomen, hips, and buttocks
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Stress incontinence happens when physical movement or activity such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, puts pressure (stress) on your bladder, causing you to leak urine
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Skin pigmentation disorders cause an uneven skin tone which occurs when there is an overproduction of melanin in the skin cells
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A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues. Most wounds, except for very minor ones, result in some degree of scarring
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Stretch Marks

Stretch marks also known as striae are a form of scarring on the skin. It appears as lines or streaks on the skin which are caused by tearing of the dermis
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Sun Damage

The sun gives off ultraviolet (UV) light that damages your skin. Over time, these rays can lead to wrinkles, dark spots, and other problem areas
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Volume Loss

Physical changes occur as we age such as shrinkage of fat pads in the face, the loss of collagen, elastin, and thinning of the bone structure
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